Hosted by the Chamorro Golf Club WA State (CGCWS)

June 24th – 25th, 2025
The Golf Club at Hawks Prairie; The Links and The Woodlands
8383 Vicwood Lane, Lacey, WA 98516

The GOLF CLUB at HAWKS PRAIRIE – The Links and The Woodlands are two of the most unique golf courses in the Pacific Northwest located at 8383 Vicwood Lane, Lacey, WA 98516, (800) 558-3348.
The Links Golf Course
Woodlands Golf Course
Coordinating Information
We are planning for a minimum of 144 and a maximum of 288 players. Players will be divided into four flights A, B, C, & D. The four flights will be divided into two groups (Group 1 and Group 2) with a minimum of 72 and a maximum of 144 players. Each group will rotate play on the two courses.
Four flights (A – D) – Floating System
A Flight | 0-8 |
B Flight | 9-16 |
C Flight | 17-24 |
D Flight | 25-32 |
Players without a handicap will be placed under the Callaway system for the first round. The first-round score shall determine the player’s handicap for both rounds.
Players 65 yrs old and over and players whose age and handicap equal 85 and over who opt to play from the forward tee, will go through a handicap revision per the World Handicap System (WHS).
Participants are provided the following accommodations: shared cart, practice range for warmups, check-In Assistance/Valet Bag Drop, course setup for contest, pairing Assistance, cart assignments, cart name signs, score cards with names.
Tournament award winners and payout for each flight low net:
1st Place | $400.00 |
2nd Place | $300.00 |
3rd Place | $200.00 |
4th Place | $100.00 |
American Hole N’ One prize award on all Par 3’s!
The Links, hole # 3,
The Links, hole # 6, $10,000
The Links, hole # 13,
The Links, hole # 16,
The Woodlands, hole # 4,
The Woodlands, hole # 7,
The Woodlands, hole # 11,
The Woodlands, hole # 15,
Optional: Voluntary side actions for ‘Skins’ and ‘Closest to the Pin (KP)’ prize awards.
The tournament field will be divided in half with both courses being played simultaneously. Group 1 will play ‘The Links’ on day one, June 24th, and switch to ‘The Woodlands’ on day two, June 25th. Group 2 will play The Woodlands on day one and switch to The Links on day two.
Tournament Pre-Registration, to include optional Side-Action participation, will be conducted at the Hawks Prairie club house, The Talon Grill, 7:00 am to 12 noon during both practice rounds on Sunday and Monday, June 22nd – 23rd respectively.
Practice Round, Sunday, June 22, 8:00 – 11:00 am, The Links or the Woodlands.
Practice Round, Monday, June 23, 8:00 – 11:00 am, The Woodlands or The Links.
Practice round is a discounted tournament rate of $66.00 + tax to include cart and range balls. HAGC practice round reservations available AM. Call (360) 455-8383 to make your HAGC tee time reservation. Players can call 7 days in advance to make a tee time and book under Hafa Adai Golf Classic tournament.
Schedule of Tournament Events
Tournament Play, Day One: Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Half of the field, Group 1, will play The Links; The other half, Group 2, will play The Woodlands.
6:00 – 7:30 am – Check-in/Make-up Registration, Driving Range
7:40 am – Tournament Brief
8:00 am – Double Shotgun Start, Tournament Round One
Tournament Play, Day Two: Wednesday, June 25, 2025 – Tournament field switch courses.
6:00 am – 7:30 am, Check-in, Driving Range
7:40 am – Tournament Update Brief
8:00 am – Double Shotgun Start Tournament Round two
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm – Check-in, no host social Awards Banquet Dinner, American Lake Conference Center
6:30 pm- 10:30 p.m. – Awards Banquet Dinner, American Lake Conference Center
The Links & The Woodlands Golf Course Direction
The Golf Clubs at Hawks Prairie
8383 Vicwood Lane
Lacey, WA 98516
Phone: (360) 455-4483
I-5 South (from Seattle)
- Take Exit 111 (Marvin Rd.) and turn right
- Go straight through the first roundabout
- Turn right at the second roundabout onto Willamette Dr. and stay in the right lane
- Right lane becomes a right-turn only onto Meriwood Dr.
- Follow through gate and to the left.
I-5 North (from Portland):
- Take Exit 111 (Marvin Rd.) and turn left
- Go straight through the first roundabout
- Turn right at the second roundabout onto Willamette Dr. and stay in the right lane
- Right lane becomes a right-turn only onto Meriwood Dr.
- Follow through gate and to the left.
American Lake Conference Center, Exit 120B
8085 NCO Beach Road
JBLM, WA 98433
Please note that members of the Tournament Committee will be onsite at the golf course Talon Grill for registration, check-in, side action collection, gift bag, range token between 7:00 am – 12:00 noon, on Sunday, 22 June and Monday, 23 June.
Ryan Blas
Brian Moore
Tournament Director
Chris Tudela
Assistant Tournament Director
Tony Trinidad
Handicap Chairman
Gene O’Day
Assistant Handicap Chairman
Gary Volz
Designated Tee Boxes:
The Links Golf Course
Men – white / Women – red / Senior’s – gold
The Woodlands Golf Course
Men – white / Women – red / Senior’s – red/gold (Holes – TBD)
The fee per player is $275.00.
Minimum players is 144 and Maximum players is 288.
Registration entry forms submission begin February 15th and closes May 15th.
No refunds after May 15th except Family and/or Medical Emergency.
1. This is a “Soft Spike Only” facility. No metal spikes allowed.
2. Appropriate golf attire will be worn at all times during the two-day tournament.
There will be no abbreviated shorts, tank tops, gym shorts, etc., allowed to be worn as outer garments on the golf course or in the club house.
3. The attire for the awards banquet ceremony should be appropriate and fitting for the occasion. There will be no blue jeans, haltered tops, short shorts, etc., allowed at the ceremony. Island wear, polo-type shirts, short-sleeve shirt, long-sleeve shirt, etc., are preferred and recommended.
1. Any player whose entry fee is accepted shall be subject to the USGA/HAGC Rules of Play and the Terms and conditions set forth by the hosting club and/or the Hafa Adai Golf Classic will be implemented.
2. Any act of un-sportsmanship conduct, including the use of obscene or abusive language, may be subject to Dis-qualification by the hosting club, and approved by the Hafa Adai Golf Classic Board of Directors.
3. Any player who is found guilty of flagrant violation of tournament rules; including slow play, erroneous posting of scores, unethical conduct etc., may be subject to assessment of penalty stroke for the infraction or the disqualification at the advice and approval of the Hafa Adai Golf Classic Board of Directors.
4. Players are requested to repair ball marks on the green.
SIDE ACTIONS BETS (Skins and Closest to the Pin (KP) at Registration
1. Side actions are for each day of the tournament and at each golf course. Players have the option to include fee with entry fee. Another option to participate will be collected during the practice rounds on Monday and Tuesday Check-in and on Wednesday morning before 7:00 am.
2. Cost for both skins and closest to the pin (KP) for two days is $80 per player. Players have the option to participate in only one side action.
3. Skins and Closest to the Pin will be separated by flight for each day and at each golf course.
4. There will be one winner per flight for the closest-to-the-pin (KP) for each Par 3, each day and at both golf courses.
5. The payoff will be based on the monies received per flight and per day.
Net Medal 2-day Net Aggregate Competition: SENIOR (50 to 64) SUPER SENIORS (65+).
Entry Fee is $10.00 for both days and will be collected during registration. Payout depends on the number of entries.
Hafa Adai Golf Classic Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Monday, June 23, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Location: Fortune Casino Lacey, 9318 Quinault Drive NE, Lacey, WA 98516.